308 Academy

The 308 Academy is designed for the individual or group who wishes to attain an advanced level for all firearms training courses we offer. Held every 3rd Saturday of each month for 12 months at one of our private ranges. Monthly cost is $175.
- Concealed Carry 1
- Concealed Carry 2
- Defensive Handgun 1
- Defensive Handgun 2
- Defensive Handgun 3
- Defensive Rifle 1
- Defensive Rifle 2
- Defensive Shotgun 1
- Less Lethal 1
- Urban Survival
- Law Enforcement Intro
- Combat Intro
- General Information Form (emailed after signup)
- Range Safety Rules (emailed after signup)
- Range Rules & Regulations (emailed after signup)
- Release of Liability (emailed after signup)
- Statement of No Criminal Record / Mental Illness (emailed after signup)
What do I need for the academy? Please call so we can discuss. .