Individual Course and Boot Camp options

1. INDIVIDUAL COURSE – You may attend 1 or more NRA courses simply by selecting the SIGNUP option below next to the course you wish to attend. All times are estimates based on class size and group involvement. A minimum of (4) total attendees are required for Instructor courses to proceed. See below for Instructor requirements.
2. BOOT CAMP – For the person who desires multi day, multi discipline NRA INSTRUCTOR certifications within 3-9 days, we have created a discounted package designed for you. Each NRA discipline needed (ie. NRA Pistol) includes the BASIC and INSTRUCTOR courses, as well as the required BIT course. This is an intensive 3 to 9 days package designed for those who wish to become an INSTRUCTOR in several discipllines in sucession (ie. PISTOL, RIFLE, CCW). It is highly recommended you have adequate time with your firearm. If we determine you don’t, your camp may be shortened accordingly. Instructor qualifications are challenging. Boot Camp is not designed for the person who has no experience (Please take individual courses first). We have set aside “swing” days for the completion of boot camp courses that can’t be accomplished in the objective time period. Boot Camp is not a shortcut path and is not for the person who cannot handle a 14 hr day. Students are expected to be at their best and expect very long days/nights in the classroom. A minimum of (4) total attendees are required for Instructor courses to proceed. See below for Instructor requirements.
Upcoming NRA Courses
Pick any (3) Disciplines $1395
Pick any (4) Disciplines $1695
Pick any (5) Disciplines $1995
Pick any (6) Disciplines $2595
Pick any (7) Disciplines $2995
* The CCW or Personal Protection Outside the Home disciplines count as (2) due to length of course and time requirements.
** We promptly start INSTRUCTOR courses after completion of the BASIC course for each discipline. The schedule is fluid to allow our out of area students to maximize their travel and expenses. The start time and end time of INSTRUCTOR courses are not exact. If you only taking the INSTRUCTOR course, you should be available to start at early as 7am and as late as 3pm that day, be prepared to attend class late, and also be prepared to complete remaining course the following morning. We often do not have signups for some BASIC courses. In that event, INSTRUCTOR courses will start promptly at 7am until completed. INSTRUCTOR courses require a minimum of (4) students. We sometimes need to reschedule in the event we fall short of this requirement.